Author: admin

Lord’s Day 1, January 7, 2024

Join us for worship on January 7, 2024, the first Lord’s Day gathering for the year! In the Morning Service, Rev. Dennis Eric Ohsan will preach on the subject of the Good Samaritan, based on Luke 10:25-37, with the sermon, Travelling Mercies. For the Afternoon Service the message will be on The Blessed Man, based…

Lord’s Day 50, December 10, 2023

This Sunday, Rev. Dennis Eric Ohsan shall continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, with the sermon, Reasons for Rejoicing, based on Luke 10:1-20. Service starts at 9:30 AM. The Kids Sunday School and the Communicants’ Class shall resume this week, at 11:00 AM, following the morning service.

Receiving of New Members and Covenant Baptism

We are thankful to the Lord in adding to the congregation! During the December 3, 2023 Lord’s Day worship service, Grace Covenant Evangelical Church received her new Communicant Members as well as witnessed the baptism for some of the members’ children. Pray that the Lord would continue to add to his church, not just in…

49th Lord’s Day, December 3, 2023

Join us tomorrow as we worship our Triune God together! The Morning Service begins at 9:15 AM, with Rev. Dennis Yam preaching on “Jesus: Prophet, Priest, and King,” based on Luke 4:18-21; Hebrews 9:11-14; and Revelation 19:16. In the afternoon Vesper Service, Rev. Yam will continue his study on Luke’s gospel with “Where is Jesus?”…

“Potential” Disciples: Lord’s Day 48

What is it about discipleship that polarizes Christians? What are the excuses men give when presented with the command to become disciples? How does the Lord respond to men’s indecisions and weaknesses? This Lord’s Day, join us as we tackle the subject of “Potential Disciples” in Luke 9:57-62.

47th Lord’s Day; November 19, 2023

Join us on Sunday, November 19, 2023, for our Lord’s Day Worship services! In our morning worship, we shall be studying Luke 6:27-36, Loving Like Jesus, with Dr. Rolex Cailing. Service starts at 9:30 AM. For our Vesper Service, we shall be studying John’s Third Epistle, with Rev. Dennis Eric Ohsan. Service starts at 5:00…

46th Lord’s Day, November 12, 2023

Join us this Sunday as we study Pride and Prejudice (not the Jane Austen novel) based on Luke 9:46-56, with Rev. Dennis Eric Ohsan. Worship Service starts at 9:30 AM and Sunday School activities will start at 11:00 AM.

Lord’s Day November 5, 2023

Join us as we worship together! For the morning service, Rev. Dennis Yam will lead us in studying What Do We Owe the Reformation, based on Romans 3:9-20. Our Kids Sunday School will start at 11:00 AM. After lunch, Membership Class will begin at 1:30 PM. To close the Lord’s Day, Rev. Dennis Eric Ohsan…

October 29, 2023 Lord’s Day

All are welcome to join us this Lord’s Day, October 29, 2023, as we study from the Epistle to the Hebrews, with Pr. Daniel Rees Yam. Service begins at 9:30 AM. Sunday School Activities and the Communicants’ Class follow at 11:00 AM. Membership Class Session 4 will be held next Sunday, November 5, 1:30 PM….

Seeing, Hearing, and Believing. (Plus a Prelude to Passover)

This coming Lord’s Day we will finish (in a way) our series within a series study of the Gospel of Luke, O For Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, and Hearts to Believe, based on Luke 9:37-45. Tonight, all are welcome to our online Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at 7:30. For Bible Study, we…