Looking back:
Two years ago on August 17 and 18, 2021, Grace Covenant Evangelical Church and Calvary Reformed Evangelical Church partnered for the Reformation Theology Workshop with the theme, Remembering the Lord’s Day and Keeping it Holy. The speaker was Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, President Emeritus and Professor of Systematic Theology & Applied Theology of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in So. Carolina, USA. Over the course of the two days, Dr. Pipa reminded the church of the principles and practice of the Christian Sabbath. A few books of Dr. Pipa were raffled off to some participants.
“Corporate worship is sometimes meaningless and dull because we approach it totally unprepared. Because we have not spent any time glorying in the presence of God, our affections are unstirred. We come with cold hearts…whereas we ought to approach worship like a racehorse, straining, longing to begin the race. We should come to worship having been already in God’s presence through meditation and prayerful preparation” (Dr. Joseph Pipa)